這讓我想到,當初Kahneman & Tversky,得諾貝爾獎,有人問他們為何其理論叫做Prospect Theory。中文翻譯為展望理論(前景理論或是視野理論),這理論主要是認為人對於獲得與失去的感覺是不對稱的。然而這與為何叫作Prospect Theory實在很難聯想,我後來看到他們的解釋是:當初只是要找一個吸引人的名詞.....
Q. Continuing with our CAPM trivia quiz, over the years some of my students have wondered if the C and A are redundant. I told them it wouldn’t have made nearly as nice of a title if we called it the AP-M. We need the C in there. (Laugh) But what inspired you to call it “Capital Asset Pricing”, and did you mean to communicate anything other than just asset pricing?
A. That’s an interesting question. I don’t know the answer. I wasn’t thinking about acronyms. I think I was trying to connote the fact that we are talking about assets in capital markets. Whereas with assets, perhaps I was thinking, you would think of cars and trucks.
Q. So traded assets?
A. Yes Securities, perhaps.
Q. Well, I am glad that you [settled on capital assets]… because the buzz word is, CAP-M. With securities, it would be SAP-M, or something.
A. Yes, or SPAM, I’m not sure what it would have been.